Birthday Blessing Bottle

I made a witches bottle for a dear friend of mine for her birthday this year. She’s had a rough time of things over the last few years so I thought it would be nice to bless her with a year of happiness and peace.


I wrote out a list of all the things I wished for her (no specifics, things like good health, happiness at work and home, positive friends in her life). Checked through my favourite magical herbs book and selected what I wanted to use from my spell supplies.

Normally around this time I’m joined by one or other of my babies. They like to attend my magickal workings, so I don’t make any silly mistakes…..  and a little cat hair in the mix is always good luck. Today it was Mooki’s (black cat) turn to supervise me.

After I had the selected the correct amount of ingredients with the properties I required for this spell, I made a start adding items into the cleansed bottle. As each item was added I stated it’s purpose, I like to do this as herbs/plants…. often have several magical uses.

My spell bottle was then sealed and blessed before being placed on my altar for 24 hours.
My friend was given a spell candle and a short verse I had written so she could activate the spell herself. Along with instructions of where to place it and what my intentions were when casting the spell.


Hecataine x

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