Head-Wrapping and Me

Head covering/wrapping is something that has interested me for a few years now. I think it’s going to be a life choice I make over the next few months.

Unexpectedly Magical

It all began with a question:

Why do modern women cover their heads?

As a feminist, I thought most women wrapped due to patriarchal oppression; I found the exact opposite! Research brought stories and ideologies from around the world – some related to patriarchal oppression, but in many situations women considered it their personal choice. I found it fascinating how these women felt more beautiful, self-respected, reverent, and even empowered by this simple act. In April I came across a Pagan women’s story and decided to try head covering for myself.

In early April I wrote:

I’m acting on a hunch – covering my head will cut back on the “noise” that gets in my brain and adds to my anxiety.

I’m very sensitive to the energies around me and find that my anxiety/stress frequently stems from the energies of others. I don’t know much about chakras, but I read…

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Yesterday as @pebbles_of_love_iow I took part in the international #droparockday event.

I have been dropping pebbles for many years but only recently as @pebbles_of_love_iow on Facebook and IG.

I tend to leave my pebbles along my walk to work, when I’m out with my dogs Gracie and Bella, If I’m out shopping and when I visit places of interest.

If you fancy doing something nice to make someone smile have a go at painting your own. I use cheap acrylic paints and then give them a good coat of varnish to make them weather proof for a season or two.

If you happen to find a pebble make sure you post a photo and tag the name on the back of the pebble if there is one.

Hecataine x