How does your Garden Grow?

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love my garden! Its a place of peace, quiet and relaxation for me.Even if I’m up to my elbows in the soil, its raining (gently) or the sun is beating down, I’m a happy bunny when I’m out in my little witches garden.

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Beltaine Celebrations

I’m a little late in posting about my Beltaine celebrations but life has busy and I’m only now having the chance to play catch up with my blogging and crafting.
I spent a lovely long weekend with my Morrising family at Upton Folk Festival. We arrived uber early at the campsite on Friday morning because of this we were able to pick a brilliant area of the site for our team to set up camp in. We were right on the far edge of the campsite with a piece of common land behind us.
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Cutting the Ties that Bind

  Not everything is made to last.
It’s a sad fact, but it’s true. People come and go from our lives as we change and grow. It’s a shame when this doesn’t happen amicably. It can be upsetting and sometimes harmful when things turn nasty. A while back I needed to separate myself from a friendship that had become very negative for me, I was suffering with a deep depression at the time and this relationship instead of helping me was dragging me down even deeper. After a few weeks I realised that I had to separate myself magickally as well as physically from this friendship as we were still linked on a metaphysical level. It had become clear to me that the time had come to be the hard faced bitch I was being made out to be.  Continue reading

Blessed Beltaine

I’m off the island for Beltaine, enjoying the sabbat with over 90 Morris dancing teams from all over the UK. While away I shall do my best to rise with the dawn on Beltaine morn to see the sun rise over the campsite and then later in the day after the merriment and dancing I shall do a small blessing for the Sabbat.


I hope you have a Blessed Beltaine

Hecataine x