Not a very good witches cat!

This boy thinks he would make a good witches cat! I beg to differ!!!

1 . He’s clumsy AF!

-he knocks things over and has broken countless pretty things with his clumping great leaps to catch flies and other items he assures me are for my nasty collections but then proceeds to eat them!

2. He has no respect for magickal items

– feathers, seed pods, drying herbs are all toys in his eyes, just this morning I found all my beautiful parrot feather cast around the house in a half chewed half played with manner.

3. He regularly burns his tail

  • the smell of singed hair is a constant in my witch room from where he has caught himself on candles and incense sticks because he’s somewhere he shouldn’t be.

4. He licks his bum on my altar!!!!!

-enough said!!!!!

5. He knocks over my crystal grids.

-see no respect whatsoever!

6. He pushes offerings to the Goddess onto the floor for my dogs to eat. 

-not sure whether this is a bad thing or not 😉

7. My Book of Spells is NOT a cat bed!!!!!


My cat is a git! But I adore him with my whole Heart!!!!
He will however sadly never make a good witches cat!

Hecataine x



Our darling Gracie-Lou past over the Rainbow Bridge on Saturday. I can’t go into details. I’m not ready it’s all far too soon and I’m very raw still.

Gracie-Lou Freebush
31.03.2003 – 14.01.17


I do want to share a few photos of our beautiful girl and the hand rolled herb candle I made for her to light her way over to the other side. Continue reading

Rainbow Bridge Altar

I finally got around to buying the corner shelves so that I could create a space to honour the animals who have left our family and gone to Rainbow bridge where they wait for us to join them.

I have treated the shelves the same way as my Moon and Sun corner shelves with paint, paper and finished with a brushing of gold paint.

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Magpie Update

Magpie has made a fabulous recovery and  other than a patch of short fur you wopuld hardly know he was so close to death a few weeks ago. He is still very weary of strange dogs and will take himself to a counter top or the back of my arm chair for safety, while showing them a large fluffy tail. The thunder shirt that we were so kindly gifted by our local Cats protection center was a massive help once the bandages were removed, It gave Magpie the freedom of not having to wear the cone of shame as he couldn’t access the wound to pick at the stitches. He did however at times forget how to “cat” and could be found laying upside down with all four legs ramrod straight up in the air.

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Update on Franken’kitty


My poor little Magpie aka “Franken’kitty” He’s really going through things at the moment. We took him back to the vets a week ago and this was the last time we got to see him. The infection had really taken hold in the wound area causing all the skin around the stitches to break down. this meant the original stitches needed to be removed they had to then remove all the damaged skin and he has been kept in a sterile environment while the infection heals. Continue reading

Saying Goodbye to a Beloved Pet

This is a repost from my old blog. I wanted to share this one again as I know many people who read this blog share their lives with beloved pets.

Many of us have pets and familiars that we share our lives and homes with. Its a sad fact that these beautiful creatures can only be here on this earth with us for a limited time. When the time comes for us to say goodbye we are often as heartbroken as if we had lost a human child.pooh Continue reading